Luka Dončić prek magične meje 3000, na koncu spet reševal Dallas
Ni kazalo, da bo Dallas prišel do 26. zmage v sezoni. Ob polčasu je Orlando Magic vodil 61:77. Pa je Dallasu le uspelo – tretjo četrtino po menjavi obrambe je dobil 35:12, delo pa so telički sklenili v zadnji četrtini.
Tudi ali predvsem po zaslugi Luke Dončića – 45 točk je dosegel, na koncu pa dodal dva prosta meta, s katerima je potrdil zmago 131:129.
Luka played 134 minutes in the last 3 games and scored 146 points on 56/40/86 shooting, with 29 rebounds, 39 assists and 5 steals… just an incredible player, showing what it means to carry his team.
— Matej Sportinfo (@MatejSportinfo) January 30, 2024
Luka je na tekmi zbrano metal proste mete – 18 jih je zadel iz 21 poizkusov. Luka je že tretjo zaporedno tekmo igral 43 minut.
With his second assist tonight, Luka Doncic (24yr, 335d) becomes the second-youngest player in NBA history to record 10K points, 3K rebounds and 3K assists in their career.
The youngest is LeBron James (24yr, 67d on 3/7/2009).
— (@nbastats) January 30, 2024
Če je njegovo povprečje v Ligi NBA 34.6 minute na tekmo, pa letos igral skoraj tri minute dlje – po 37.3.
Kidd can’t just talk about reducing Luka’s minutes, he has to do it. Playing that many minutes doesn’t just increase the possibility of injury, it almost guarantees it.
— Matej Sportinfo (@MatejSportinfo) January 30, 2024